What is the best way to approach a divorce?
The longer a divorce takes, the more expensive and distressing it can be. In most cases, the best way to approach a divorce is to try and reach an agreement through your lawyers, or with the help of mediation or collaborative law in an environment where both partners can communicate freely. However, in some cases, the past or present behaviour of one of the spouses may prevent such a negotiation taking place.
Which country should I divorce in?
Divorce can sometimes be more distressing when there is an international dimension, often because the situation seems so much more complex. A lawyer with experience in many countries can help put your mind at ease, because they can guide you towards the most successful outcome. One of the key questions they can advise you on is which country you should start divorce proceedings in. That’s because the laws in one country may be more beneficial to your particular circumstances than another. For example, the legal jurisdiction of England and Wales is generally considered to be more generous towards mothers with little or no work experience than in France.
Click on the links below to learn more about divorce in France and in England and Wales. However, these pages should only be treated as general information.
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For a confidential discussion about your specific situation or requirements, you can contact Peggy Lethier by telephone or email: Contact